The surgery can be done at any age. Despite this, the ideal moment is between 16 and 18 years old, when the tooth is not yet born and the roots are not yet formed - which makes the procedure simpler. However, it can be performed at any age if you have an indication or the tooth is having complications.
In order for the wisdom tooth extraction surgery to be carried out properly, it is necessary to carry out a clinical examination in the office and, subsequently, a radiographic examination (which can be a Periapical X-ray, Panoramic, or, in special cases, Computed Tomography - at the discretion of the dentist).
At the end of the procedure, a wet gauze is placed in the involved region, for the patient to bite, applying pressure, in order to stop the bleeding.
Patients with poor health or who need some kind of medical treatment and are not being treated, it is recommended to postpone the extraction of the wisdom teeth until they are healthy (eg diabetics and uncompensated hypertensives). The same goes for cases where the tooth region is very inflamed - in this case, you choose to wait for the inflammation to subside.
Next to it is our report that was recently published in the magazine SEE and EXAM , about our clinic and all the Dental Contact Lenses and Facial Harmonization that we perform in our clinic.