TMJ pain treatment

Treatment of Temporomandibular Pain (TMJ)

| DTM treatment in Fortaleza |

📌What is (ATM) Viscosupplementation®?

🔺 It is a procedure carried out to lubricate the joint disc, responsible for dampening when opening and closing the mouth.

🔺 When the patient is without this lubrication, pain, difficulty closing the mouth or even chewing may occur. Like a car engine without lubrication.

📌 How is it made?

🔺 A product based on sodium hyaluronate, minimally invasive, is injected into the ATM, under topical anesthesia, in less than 15 minutes.

🔺 Hyaluronic acid is the largest component of synovial liquid. Viscosupplementation increases the concentration of this acid in the synovial fluid present in the TMJ, restoring tissue lubrication and nutrition. The technique has been shown to be effective in the short and long term.

📌 What is the risk of not performing viscosupplementation treatment?

🔺 Our ATM joint is like a car engine, when adequate lubrication is lacking, several problems can occur. So if you feel popping when opening your mouth, frequent headaches, night bruxism, you probably need an evaluation for the possibility of not having that proper lubrication.

Next to an illustrative video
of what is a

"DTM" Temporomandibular Dysfunction

Who performs this procedure?

Dr. Igor Ribeiro cirurgião Dentista na cidade de Fortaleza CE, realiza procedimentos de odontologia estética como  Lentes de Contato Dental, Clareamento, Lipo de Papada, Gengivoplastia

doctor Igor Ribeiro Rola
Dental surgeon

- Degree in Dentistry from the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil.
- Post Graduate in Prosthesis (UNICHRISTUS)
- University extension in Semi-Intensive English Program. (Stetson University), SU, United States.
- Post in Facial Harmonization - Miami Anatomical Research Center (MARC) - Miami, USA

Dentist in Fortaleza-CE

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