PDO Sustaining Threads (Non-surgical Facial Lifiting)

PDO Support Wires

Non-Surgical Facelift | PDO wires in fortress

Preenchimento de mandíbula em fortaleza, preenchimento maxilar angulo da mandíbula
PDO support threads (Non-surgical Facial Lifting)

The technique manages to eliminate sagging skin and stimulate collagen production continuously for up to 2 years in a painless and non-surgical way.

The procedure is minimally invasive, non-surgical, and benefits both men and women, in search of a more attractive and harmonious face.
The result is immediate!

Preenchimento de mandíbula em fortaleza, preenchimento maxilar angulo da mandíbula

doctor Igor Ribeiro explains that the sustaining threads guarantee the almost immediate reduction of deeper wrinkles, as the threads will pull on the skin, with immediate results and that can last up to 2 years. In the first weeks it is already possible to observe the stimulus to the production of collagen and facial lifting.

Unlike gold threads, which are permanent, PDO is resorbable by the skin. This ensures faster recovery, being completely safe and with less risk of damage to your health. Another benefit is a faster recovery and without major inconvenience.

It is here to stay, and still brings many other benefits such as eliminating the so-called "Chinese mustache", lifting the 🍎 cheekbone, bringing back the contour of the face and neck, removing that dreaded double chin and even encourages the production of natural collagen .

The main questions and answers about the Facelift with PDO Threads in Fortaleza

  • Are PDO Threads a treatment for wrinkles?

    Yes, it is a treatment for wrinkles because with the traction on the skin that the threads promote, the wrinkles are smoothed out, and the threads produce collagen in the skin so that the skin is tractioned, after time passes, it does not form wrinkles in the region again. This with the treatment done consistently and correctly.

  • How long does the result last?

    Up to 2 years. The body will be producing collagen and skin support for that period.

  • How much does PDO thread treatment cost?

    It varies for each case, as it depends on the amount of wires for each patient. An average is between R$3300 and R$4900 for the Facial Lifting treatment

  • Is it sore?

    It practically does not hurt because the treatment of support threads is practically painless as it is performed after anesthesia.

  • Who carries out the Sustaining wires procedure in a fortress?

    doctor Igor Ribeiro, specialist in Facial Harmonization, is the dentist who performs the procedure at the Bill Rola Dental Laser Center, located at Rua Tibúrcio Cavalcante 2935

  • Does the double chin area decrease with the treatment?

    Yes, one of the advantages of the treatment is that as the threads promote traction (face lift) upwards, the jaw region becomes more defined and consequently reduces the double chin. Although other associated treatments can be indicated such as Lipo Enzymatic of the Double Jowl.

  • Does a non-surgical facelift replace plastic surgery?

    In some cases yes. Plastic surgery treatments in Fortaleza are in high demand and the city has excellent surgeons. However, when the patient is looking for a non-surgical, less invasive treatment and the sagging skin is mild or moderate, there is this new treatment that promotes excellent results from a facelift.

What is Facial Filler (Hyaluronic Acid®)?

Hyaluronic Acid is synthetically produced, highly safe, as it is a basic component of human skin. It is injectable, minimally invasive and comfortable for the patient, performed under local anesthesia.

The main procedures are:

(Definition of the Jaw)

Who performs the PDO Thread procedure in Fortaleza?

Dr. Igor Ribeiro cirurgião Dentista na cidade de Fortaleza CE, realiza procedimentos de odontologia estética como  Lentes de Contato Dental, Clareamento, Lipo de Papada, Gengivoplastia

doctor Igor Ribeiro Rola
Dentist in Fortaleza | doctor Igor Ribeiro | Igor Ribeiro

- Graduation inDentistryfrom the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Brazil.
- Post Graduate in Prosthesis (UNICHRISTUS)
- University extension in Semi-Intensive English Program. (Stetson University), SU, United States.
- Post in Facial Harmonization - Miami Anatomical Research Center (MARC) - Miami, USA

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